Zaman, mekan, gerçeklik, rüya
Mimarlık zamanla mekanı eklemlemenin, gerçekliği biçimlendirmenin, rüyalar meydana getirmenin en basit aracıdır.
"Architecture is the simplest means of articulating time and space, of modulating reality, of engendering dreams"
Formulary for a New Urbanism (1953)
Situationist Manifesto
(Écrits retrouvés, Éditions Allia, 2006).
"Architecture is the simplest means of articulating time and space, of modulating reality, of engendering dreams"
Formulary for a New Urbanism (1953)
Situationist Manifesto
(Écrits retrouvés, Éditions Allia, 2006).
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